setting up a yubikey with x2go (sshd/pam) - debian 11 - yubikey4 - pam - api_id from install pam module # apt-get install libpam-yubico create auth file for users # cat /etc/yubikey/id ::<2nd otp device>:<3rd otp device> create auth file with sufficient (or required for 2fa) # cat /etc/pam.d/yubikey auth sufficient /usr/lib/security/ id= debug authfile=/etc/yubikey/id update pam sshd config to include yubikey before common-auth # grep -A3 yubikey sshd @include yubikey # Standard Un*x authentication. @include common-auth edit sshd_config to enable challenge response # grep '^ChallengeResponseAuthentication' /etc/ssh/sshd_config ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes restart sshd # systemctl restart sshd NOTES: - do not enable the pam module for yubikey, the defaults will update common-auth and break general auth - clean up old ssh authorized keys, you no longer use the ssh authorized_keys file, this is overridden by the yubico authorized_keys file