PS1 on PS2 (POPS) Internal HDD Setup (2021-09) version 0x01 -- @sairukau =============================================================================== Changelog =============================================================================== v0x01 Initial document, frustrating process =============================================================================== Expected Use cases =============================================================================== - Run PS1 games on a PS2 from an internal HDD =============================================================================== Hardware =============================================================================== PS2 - FAT PS2 Model Drive - 500GB IDE Drive Networking - LAN - Static IP Software - wLaunchELf kHn 20200810 - OPL 1329 (Still supports HDL) - OPL Manager 21.7 (Wine) - CUE2POPS 2.3 - POPS - POPStarter =============================================================================== Primer =============================================================================== Information for this is scattered everywhere and in videos so for the sake of indexing i'll go through my setup i put together from everywhere else POPS is an official PS1 emulator from Sony, it can be run from an internal drive in conjuction with POPStarter and certian builds of OPL Certain builds of OPL provide a menu for launching PS1 titles with POPStarter The PS1 titles must adhere to a strict naming convention or they will not show up in OPL POPStarter and POPS must be in a fixed location on the internal drive to be usable. This includes the requirememnt for a custom partition to store PS1 titles for use The custom partition has a specific name, standard LaunchElf builds cannot handle this requirement so you need to (atm) use kHn's build PS1 titles must be in VCD format for use with POPS, CUE2POPS will convert bin/cue dumps to the appropriate format OPL Manager can be used to name the PS1 titles appropriately but this to is odd if you are using a network setup =============================================================================== Assumptions =============================================================================== it is assumed you can already - exec unsigned code on your ps2 - you have a basic functional understanding of ulaunchElf - you have an internal hdd in your ps2 - your ps2 is networked =============================================================================== Config =============================================================================== Obtain and install the following to mass: - wLE_kHn_20200810 - OPNPS2LD-v1.1.0-ifcaro_all-1791-5db29c2-2021-09-09 - POPS-binaries-main (check github) - POPStarter r13 RIP 06 Start the kHn build 1. launch wLE_kHn_20200810 and start the hdd manager Create the POPS partition 1. create a partition called __.POPS (2x underscores) 2. set whatever size you think is appropriate Install POPS binaries to the __common partition 1. create directory POPS in the __common partition 2. copy the POPS binaries from mass: to this directory Install POPstarter binaries to the +OPL parition 1. create directory POPS in the +OPL partition 2. copy the POPSStarter brinaries from mass to this directory Thats all that needs to be done, versions of stuff is important so check what you have Layout {{{ hdd0:/__common/POPS/POPS.ELF hdd0:/__common/POPS/IOPRP252.IMG hdd0:/+OPL/POPS/POPSTARTER.ELF hdd0:/__.POPS/ }}} =============================================================================== Games =============================================================================== Games need to be in VCD format, presume some format Sony dictated, i dunno go and google it Conversion To do this from a bin/cue its fairly basic, point CUE2POPS at the .cue file and so long as its a valid cue and bin it'll dump out a .VCD file with the same name, this name will probably not confirm to the requirements for use. Naming Convention The naming convention required is GAME_ID.Name.VCD, there are tools for this You can use OPL Mananger to rename the contents of a local folder to the correct naming convention, it will also grab art and make everything pretty but needs to be run under wine on linux Upload Upload the renamed VCD file to hdd0://__.POPS/ parition =============================================================================== OPL Manager (wine) =============================================================================== OPL Manager requires dotnet4.0 so setup a custom prefix and get it running Setup WINEPREFIX=/tmp/OPLman winetrick dotnet40 Run WINEPREFIX=/tmp/OPLman wine OPL_Manager.exe Structure OPL Mananger stores art and other bits in the hdl directory, haven't looked into hdl installing local titles yet HDL Dump OPL Mananger can comm with OPL once OPL has its hdd write function enabled in the settings, after this select the hdl option from the menu in OPL and set the OPL Manager -> Settings -> Change Mode to Network hdlserver+FTP You can then refresh the games list from the hdd on the ps2 it will not however populate the ps1 titles Art Sync Couldn't sync art with the HDL service on OPL, nor the FTP on wULE, works ok with the kHn wULE build tho Renaming Games Set the OPL Manager mode to Normal and update the Path in the normal settings it will warn you of badly named isos and open the renamer. Beta or unlicensed/homebrew will get a fake id e.g. FAKE_983.59.THPS3.BETA.VCD when renaming so they are compatible =============================================================================== References =============================================================================== Check or for software required =============================================================================== Trivia =============================================================================== Noticed kHn is in the headers of the VCDs ... just thought it was some nick from the ps2 scene of which it i am not a part of so wouldn't know